Acceptable Use Agreement

Technology Resources Acceptable Use Agreement
Secondary Students -
PDF Form


Technology resources are available to qualifying students in the Davis School District (DSD). Technology resources include, but are not limited to, hardware, software, data, electronic textbooks and materials, communication devices, printers, servers, filtered Internet access, and local and wide area networks.  This Agreement contains rules and guidelines for the acceptable use of technology resources.  All activities  conducted using DSD technology resources are governed by this Agreement and include, but are not limited to email, Internet, blogging, podcasts, interactive websites such as social networking and Web 2.0 sites, chat rooms, video conferencing, etc.


Davis School District provides technology resources for student use: 1) to promote educational excellence by facilitating  resource sharing, innovation, and communication; and
2) to prepare for success in life and work by providing students with knowledge and skills regarding the safe and appropriate use of technology resources.


The use of technology resources is a privilege, not a right.  Inappropriate use of these resources may  result in disciplinary action (including the possibility of suspension or expulsion), and/or referral to legal authorities.  The principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator may limit, suspend, or revoke  access to technology resources at any time.

Filtering and Monitoring

As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), content filtering and monitoring technology is used to restrict access to unacceptable materials on all Internet access provided by DSD.  However, no  web filtering technology is 100% safe.  Students who intentionally access, publish, or attempt to access or publish inappropriate or illegal material or Internet sites, will be subject to discipline; which may include the possibility of suspension or expulsion.
DSD has the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store any and all usage of DSD technology resources including transmitted and received information at any time and without prior notice.
If any inappropriate they may accidently observe.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas as your own.  Students are required to give  proper credit to all Internet sources used in academic assignments, whether quoted or summarized.  This includes all forms of media from the Internet such as graphics, movies, music, and text.  Plagiarism of  Internet resources will be treated in the same manner as any other incidences of plagiarism.  In addition, students must follow copyright laws regarding software, authorship, and copying information.

Code of Conduct

When using DSD technology resources, students must follow the same rules, regulations, and policies that apply within the school. If the language, actions, or images would not be appropriate in the classroom, they are not appropriate using DSD technology resources. These rules include, but are not limited to:

  • Be polite and respectful.  Never send, or encourage others to send abusive messages.

  • Use appropriate language and graphics.  Don’t access, transmit, copy, or create material or messages  that are threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass or cyber‐bully.  Swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or abusive language of any kind is not acceptable.

  • Use resources for appropriate educational purposes.  Illegal or inappropriate activities, or transmission or intentional receipt of any inappropriate material in violation of law or DSD policy is prohibited.

    • “Inappropriate material” includes, but is not limited to: design or detailed information pertaining to explosive devices, criminal activities or terrorist acts; pornography; gambling; illegal solicitation; stolen materials; information used to cheat on school assignments or tests; commercial activities including product advertisement; political lobbying, including lobbying for student body office;  online games (unless approved  by supervising teacher as educational activity); illegal copies of copyrighted work; spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.


Use only assigned accounts. Do not use another individual's account or log onto the system as the systems administrator.  Protect passwords.  Never view, use, or copy other’s passwords or share your  passwords with others. If you suspect someone has discovered your password, change it immediately and notify your teacher or administrator.  No “ hacki ng” o r vandalism.  Don’t access, modify, delete, destroy,  or damage data, networks, or other resources or property that does not belong to you without clear permission of the owner.  This also includes, but is not limited to:  abusive overloading of data on the  server, use of the network in any way that would disrupt network use by others; or the uploading, downloading or creation of computer viruses.

Privacy and Safety

Don't distribute or post private information about yourself or others.  This includes home address,  personal phone numbers, last name of yourself or any other student, passwords, credit card numbers, student id, or social security number, etc.
When publishing on the Internet/Intranet using DSD technology resources, students must work under the guidance of a sponsoring teacher and follow the Davis School District – Internet/Intranet Publishing Guidelines.

Report Violations

Students must report all security concerns, inappropriate activities, or misuse of DSD technology resources immediately to the principal, teacher/supervisor, or systems administrator.  This includes the receipt of messages relating to or in support of illegal activities or that may be threatening or upsetting.

Student Statement

I have read this Acceptable Use Agreement and agree to comply with the conditions of acceptable use and to report any misuse of DSD technology resources to the appropriate teacher or administrator. I understand any violations of the above provisions may result in the loss of use of DSD technology resources and may result in further disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension or expulsion, and/or referral to legal authorities.

Parent or Guardian Statement

As the parent or legal guardian, I have read this Acceptable Use Agreement and  understand the terms and  conditions of use which my student must follow.  I also understand that Internet  services provided by DSD are filtered and that the use of DSD technology resources may be monitored.  I  understand my child may be  disciplined for inappropriate or unacceptable use of DSD technology resources.

Agreement and Responsibility

Please initial the Acceptable Use Agreement section of the VEC Policies Signature Page acknowledging receipt of and familiarity with the DSD Acceptable Use Policy governing computers and other technology used in DSD schools.